Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Flying High

For those of you in freezing temperatures across the country, here is a photograph from my hotel room in Fort Lauderdale recently. I walked to the beach to just see the ocean!! I was also BLESSED couple days ago to fly with my dear friend Karen!! Amazing how a little 3:22 block hour Phoenix overnight can be one of my favorite trips of 4 years of flying!!! Thanks Karen!!! (may I have your autograph, hehe!)
Christmas 2009 at the Proctor's. My older sister (Valerie- far right) flew into town to celebrate Christmas in Loveland, younger sister Sarah (middle) celebrated too! I, crazy, but was home for Christmas. I was SICK with tonsillitis, so it wasn't too enjoyable being down and out. But it was nice to see the sisters.

1 comment:

Mike and Susanne said...

I could use a trip to the beach right now!! I'm cold!! Hope you are feeling better!


FRONTIER AIRLINES "A Whole Different Animal"

